This installation guide will lead you through the whole process of installation and starting up your personal Braubar.
Raspberry Pi¶
A common and small distribution is the raspbian image. Download it and copy it to your sd card. For the copy enshure that the device is not mounted. You need to be root.
dd bs=4M if=/tmp/2016-03-18-raspbian-jessie-lie.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 && sync
enshures that all data will be written to the sd card.
You can find the appropriate image on
After you finished with sync, mount your sd card under /mnt
Open /mnt/boot/config.txt
and add the following lines at the end
# rotate display
For IP settings modify /mnt/etc/dhcpdc.conf
to configure your network settings.
interface eth0
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_server=
Adjust IP settings to your needs. Now unmount your sd card and get your Pi running. Afterwards you need to get access to the Pi, my favorite is ssh.
Open raspi-conf
and select entry Expand Filesystem
to expand the image to the full size of your sd card and reboot. Othervise there is not enough space left.
Debian and Packages¶
The following software will be installed:
- supervisor
- python3
- pip
- iceweasel
- xinit
- matchbox
Debian 8: After boot run a update and then install the required software
apt-get update && apt-get install supervisor python3 python3-pip iceweasel xinit matchbox
X Window System¶
create .xinitrc
file in home
matchbox-window-manager &
exec /usr/bin/iceweasel http://localhost:5000
To start iceweasel in fullscreen mode it is neccesary to start it one, enter fullscreen mode and exit. Then it it will be saved in your profile. Another option is to create your own profile, but I won’t handle that here.
Auto Login¶
Edit file at /etc/systemd/system/
and change ExecStart=
line in section [Service]
to this
ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty -a pi %I $TERM
To get X with iceweasel started automatically add the following snippet to the end of ~/.bash_login
[[ -z $DISPLAY && $(tty) == /dev/tty1 ]] && exec startx
Since we have no window manager which runs in systemd it is neccesary to set
as default
systemctl set-default
But be careful, now you can’t login to anything other than the iceweasel application. Except you do a remote login.
Braubar installation¶
Download braubar-pi to you Pi
and unzip it e.g. to your home folder
unzip && rm && cd braubar-pi-master
to install the needed python requirements run as root
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Install and configure dnsmasq¶
If there is a DHCP Server already running then please change IP settings and ignore this section.
First install dnsmasq on your system.
apt-get install dnsmasq
There is a preconfigured file for dnsmasq for Braubar. $BRAUBAR_HOME/install/dnsmasq.conf
mv /etc/dnsmasq.conf /etc/dnsmasq.conf.bak ln -s /home/pi/braubar-pi-master/install/dnsmasq.conf /etc/dnsmasq.conf
Config Braubar start with Supervisor¶
Adjust paths to your configuration!
Create link to config in /etc/supervisor/conf.d/braubar.conf
ln -s $BRAUBAR_HOME/install/braubar.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/braubar.conf
[program:braubar] command=/home/pi/braubar-pi-master/bin/braubar directory=/home/pi/braubar-pi-master/bin loglevel=warning process_name=%(program_name)s autostart=true autorestart=unexpected startsecs=10 startretries=3 stopasgroup=true redirect_stderr=false stdout_logfile=/home/pi/braubar-pi-master/log/braubar.log stdout_logfile_maxbytes=1MB stdout_logfile_backups=10 stdout_capture_maxbytes=1MB stdout_events_enabled=false stderr_logfile=/home/pi/braubar-pi-master/log/braubar.err stderr_logfile_maxbytes=1MB stderr_logfile_backups=10 stderr_capture_maxbytes=1MB stderr_events_enabled=false serverurl=AUTO
reread and restart supervisr and show status
supervisorctl reread && supervisorctl reload && supervisorctl status
control log in /var/log/supervisor/supervisor.log
In Braubar the Arduino acts as a temperature sensor.
Geting started¶
It is required to have an running Arduino environment. Then you can either upload the program to your Arduino within Arduino Studio or with the shipped Makefile, which is recommended. Before running Make you shoud have a look at the Makefile to ensuhre your Serial Port is mapped to the right device. To upload the compiled program to your Arduino run:
make clean && make && make upload
After running successfully it will request an IP from your DHCP server and start sending broadcast packages all over your local network. To avoid broadcasting, please enter the desired IP for IPAddress server
in braubar_temp.ino
Also it is possible to change the port from 50505 to your wish.
It sends a package every second with the current temperature value, the id of the sensor and a start and end sequence consistion of 0xF0FF
and a end sequence with the same sync bits.